
Food is how people get to know who I am. Music is how I get to know other people. 

These two art forms have been the most pivotal in shaping who I am in my life. I've known since as long as I could think that I would become a chef; cooking, and serving others through food, is what I've been put on this planet to do. And while I work in the hospitality industry by profession, I love engaging in discussion about music just as much, as it appeals to me in ways that words cannot do justice. I suppose part of the reason why is because of its social nature: when we share what music we love, we learn more about each other, and become better human beings. At least, that's what I truly believe.

Osmosis Tones aims to showcase a wide variety of music, from the DIY underground to the top of the pops, albeit with an emphasis on up-and-coming, independent acts that showcase an "art first" ethos. Through our staff's broad (and excellent) range of musical tastes, we aim to deliver thoughtful criticism with our respective, well-defined personalities. There are no genre limits or preferential treatment towards certain styles, as we hope to absorb all musical tones through osmosis, the only way you can in the modern age.

Whether we find unexpected success, remain an independent gem for fans of underground music, or simply become a personal outlet for our writers to document their favorite music at certain points of their life, those involved with Osmosis Tones hope that those who read our blog will find new music that they enjoy. We're laid-back and easy to read, but contemplative and considerate. We want to offer humor, but not at the expense of sounding pretentious. We want to carve our own voice, while understanding how everything influences everything. 

Ultimately, we're a music blog for people who love music, who believe that without it, they would not be who they are. I hope you enjoy what we are offering. 

Thanks for reading! 

Zach Zollo

Head Writer/Editor

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